Our Therapists

Our therapists are all qualified, experienced professionals in counselling, psychotherapy or coaching. Our team at Hackney Therapy House offers one-to-one therapy with adults, children and young people; couples, marital and relationship counselling and family therapy.

If you want to read more about definitions or differences between therapy models, please visit our FAQs page. Our therapists offer face-to-face sessions, with many offering online or telephone therapy.

Working in the heart of Dalston, it’s important to us at Hackney Therapy House that our therapists reflect some of the rich diversity of our surroundings. Our therapists offer a warm, confidential space for you to explore and express emotions in the way you feel comfortable.

Gokce Olga Soy

(UKCP Accredited, BPS)
Founder of Hackney Therapy House

Dorota Rospierska

(UKCP Accredıted)
Systemıc Psychotherapıst & EMDR therapıst 

Guy Krenger

(MBACP - Accred)
Counsellor & Psychotherapıst

Allessandra Plazzetti

(BACP Accredıted)
Integratıve Counsellor

Diva Ulucay

Chartered Counsellıng Psychologıst

Sema Bilen-Alonso

Chıld& Adolescent, and Adult Psychotherapıst,
Systemıc Famıly Practıtıoner 
UKRCP Reg. Ind Psychotherapıst, MBACP (Accred)